Christine Plumb…literally has changed my life – I put my physical, mental and emotional health in her hands at a time when my world came crashing down with grief beyond belief. She took the pieces of me – shattered – and put me back together – healthier, stronger, calmer and whole…seriously get on her schedule!!!
Just passing on that Eugene’s hips have never felt so good. He commented that he felt great when he went riding today! Usually he sits lopsided in the saddle but today he sat perfectly aligned in the middle!! THANK YOU !! We are so fortunate to have you helping us to feel better.
Christine Has skills that I have not seen before and they are amazing. I am fortunate to have found her. There has been a lot of trauma, (physical and emotional) in my life, but I am a person who perseveres through my life. Little did I know that I was “Energetically out of my body.” I understand this is a coping mechanism for those who have experienced trauma. Through working with Chrisitne, I am back in my body. What an AMAZING feeling to feel grounded, solid and strong, rather than unclear, flighty and anxiety ridden. I highly recommend Christine!